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Tulare Veterans Memorial District

Customized Preventive Maintenance Agreement

A local landmark and well-known event center, the Tulare Veterans Memorial Building was challenged with an antiquated mechanical system. Much of the equipment was original to the 1955 structure, and the organization had struggled with integrating new technology.

Tulare Veterans was particularly concerned over how much they had spent on refrigerant with their previous contractor. For a closed-loop system, the amount of lost refrigerant was significant, and worth closer investigation. Upon program start-up, BMI identify several major system leaks and other deferred maintenance issues. But since their repair, BMI has not had to replace even one ounce of refrigerant.

BMI also brought expertise to update the organization’s automated controls interface. Now, both the customer and contractor can pull up real-time information and make immediate adjustments via the web—instead of driving to the hall after hours to identify and correct temperature issues on an outdated DOS-based program.

Today, BMI is a trusted partner; assisting with long-term planning to providing much needed mechanical upgrades to this historic facility.


Improve reliability of legacy mechanical system. Build trust through technical expertise and service quality.


  • Ongoing Testing & Inspection of mechanical infrastructure, including chiller/boiler systems, packaged HVAC units, and kitchen refrigeration equipment.
  • Customized preventive maintenance tasking to maximize efficiency, improve reliability, and extend equipment life.
  • Full access to technical and engineering team to tackle deferred repairs, and assist with long-term improvements.


  • From the first year of the agreement to the second, service calls and repair costs dropped by 25%.
  • Corrections to automated control system has improved energy efficiency by an estimated 15%.
  • Discussions underway to plan for major equipment replacement.