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3 HVAC hurdles you can free yourself from right now

Your HVAC system does a lot of good for your business. It keeps your guests and employees comfortable, productive, and healthy. But unfortunately, there are several facets of your HVAC system that can create hurdles and complications for you — regulations and reporting requirements are prime examples of those hurdles.

To further break this down, let’s discuss some of the reporting and management requirements and provide you with guidance on how to remain compliant with them.

Refrigerant Management

Refrigerant is an ozone-depleting substance that can be harmful to the environment. As of late, R-22 refrigerant has been in the process of phasing itself out. As a business owner or manager, it’s important for you to keep up with updates such as this one. Otherwise, you could face fines and regulatory shutdowns.

On top of this, you’re also required to maintain regular and detailed reporting on refrigerants. This includes leaks, type, levels, dates, and more. If you fail to keep up with reporting, this could create serious regulatory hurdles for your business.

When you work with an HVAC company like BMI Mechanical, they’ll constantly collect and maintain all information pertinent to your system. At BMI, we gather all this information and use it to generate reports on their behalf, helping them maintain compliance in the process.

Boiler Emissions & Air Quality

When it comes to the usage of large boilers, you’re required to abide by regulations at both the statewide (California Air Resources Board) and local (County Air Pollution Control District) levels. Specific emissions produced by these boilers must be measured and reported annually. If they do not meet the acceptable limits set by the state and county, then repairs or replacement are required.

Working with a commercial HVAC company eliminates this hurdle and simplifies the entire situation. At BMI, we have specialized testing and reporting services available to help our clients with this particular regulatory concern.

HVAC companies can also help you with seasonal shutdowns. Read our 3-part guide on seasonal HVAC shutdowns.

Air Change Rates

Depending on your business environment, you may be held to different regulatory standards — this includes healthcare facilities and ACH (air changes per hour) rates. When you’re talking about ACH, you’re talking about the number of times air is cycled in a room within a specific period of time.

The required ACH varies by business and in some cases, by room. It is impossible to measure the ACH rate without specialized equipment and skills. This is why it’s important to work with an HVAC company who can take this regulatory concern off your plate. They’ll also be able to work this into regular service testing, so it is always reported accurately and keeps your business in the clear at all times.

Learn more about indoor ventilation and Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (technology that helps reduce the spread of COVID-19 indoors).

Need help working through your regulatory hurdles?

Then give BMI Mechanical a call. We have 100+ years of experience helping companies navigate regulatory and compliance issues, and we’d love to help you, too.
Give us a call or fill out our online form to learn more.